Sales: 1300 219 875
Service: 1300 195 482
It’s time for Santa to squeeze himself down all our chimneys and leave gifts under the Christmas tree. Have you given any thought to how he’s going to come down? We know that there’s no mysterious bearded man that will be entering your home at night to give your family gifts, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore your chimney and what’s in it. You still need to make sure that it works the way it should.
Without a free flow of air, the risk of fire safety issues increases (such as harmful creosote build-up), and fireplace efficiency takes a nosedive. The great news is that there are a few things you can do to keep your chimney clear of trouble.
Sometimes birds will build nests inside the top of your chimney. Check for these every now and then, so that you can remove them safely. If you have a tall tree with branches hanging above the chimney, also make sure you trim it from time to time. This way you’ll avoid having leaves fall down the flue and clog it up during the autumn months.
If a fire’s hot enough, it’ll push enough air out of the chimney top to keep a free flow going. We’re not saying that you should overburden your fireplace, but don’t underutilise it either.
Insulation affects the air pressure in your home, so it needs to be maintained properly – not too light and not too loose. Keep isolated insulation outside the chimney to avoid blocking airflow.
Clean out your chimney so that all the moving parts work as required. Any buildup of soot, ashes or creosote could jam the damper from opening fully in order to let air flow in and out.
Rope in a professional to do a maintenance check at least once a year, typically before the colder months kick in. This gives you time to identify repairs required in advance and have them fixed in time.
Maximising the airflow of your fireplace and keeping your flue in great condition make life easier for you and your loved ones. It also doesn’t have to cause you headaches. If you follow this quick guide, you’ll never have to worry about a janky chimney again. Want more info? Feel free to get in contact with us today!
Sales:1300 219 875
Services:1300 195 482
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