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Decor Ideas To Bring Your Fireplace To Life


A fireplace is a great addition to any home, creating a warm, welcoming space for the family to gather around. Studies show that we become calmer and more sociable around a fireplace – it’s about bonding in a multi-sensory

Categories: Fireplace Accessories, Fireplace Design

Tips To Prevent Heat Loss From Your Fireplace


A wood-burning fireplace can create an atmosphere of cosy warmth or romantic intimacy, and if you have one in your home, you probably also enjoy the crackling life it brings to the room.

Sitting by a fire is extremely

Categories: Gas Fireplace, Wood Burning Fireplace, Wood Heater

How To Rekindle Your Fireplace’s Energy Efficiency

If you love having a real fire in your home in winter, you’ll know that the appeal is about more than the warmth it provides. Whether it’s a central gathering place in your home or a place for reflection and

Categories: Airflow In Your Chimney, Flue technology, Wood Burning Fireplace

What To Look For In Your Outdoor Gas Fire Pit


Sitting around a gas fire pit in the middle of winter ensures we can still enjoy the outdoors even during these cold winter months. Much like we do around the BBQ in the summertime, there’s nothing like socialising with

Categories: Outdoor Fireplace

Why It’s So Important To Service Your Gas Fireplace Before Winter


Winter is almost upon us and you’ve probably already started searching your cupboards to send your coats to the dry cleaners in preparation for winter. If you have a gas fireplace, it’s absolutely imperative that you have it

Categories: Fire Safety, Gas Fireplace

4 Common Fireplace Mistakes To Avoid

Can you think of anything in winter that’s more cosy, more comforting, more inviting than sitting close to a fireplace with a book or a good friend and a glass of wine? There’s nothing quite like that feeling.

However, there

Categories: Fire Safety

The Best Design Ideas For Your Fireplace Mantel


If you consider that your fireplace is the centrepiece of many homes in Melbourne, take a moment to consider how vital the fireplace mantel is, since it sits aloft the fireplace, visible to all those eyes who stand before

Categories: Fireplace Design

Top Fireplace Trends For 2018


A fireplace in any Australian home adds value no matter what style it is. There’s just that something a fireplace adds that no other piece of furniture or item can match. However, there are newer trends that are emerging,

Categories: Fireplace Buying Guide, Gas Fireplace, Wood Burning Fireplace

What You Can Do With Your Fireplace Wood Ash


It may be difficult to imagine, but when the fire’s gone out and you have that heap of ash left over, instead of spading it up and throwing it away, you could actually make great use of it.


Categories: Fireplace Wood Ash

The Best Tips For Preparing Your Fireplace For The Upcoming Winter

Winter is around the corner, which means it’s time to start preparing your fireplace so that it’s in top condition for when you and your family want to sit around and enjoy its heat and ambience.

It’s also important to

Categories: Airflow In Your Chimney, Gas Fireplace, Wood Burning Fireplace

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